Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back again...

On my way in to work this morning I saw a bicyclist.

Note I type 'bicyclist' and not 'a guy on a bike'. A bicyclist conjuring up (to me at least) a guy who is serious about his chosen mode of transportation by wearing the lycra shorts, reflective vest, headgear, pads - whole nine yards.

The reason I mention this bicyclist is because as I was driving past I glanced over at him. Not because he was particularly 'fetching' in his lycra shorts, but because I'm always afraid they will do something crazy as I drive past - like turn left in front of me or something...

In addition to the above stated reason I glance over to look because there is a bit of deep seated jealousy that he is exercising in order to get where he needs/wants to be - while I, human slug that I am, happen to be gobbling up one of the world's precious resources and contributing to the cellulite level in my thighs by driving because I would NEVER dream of trying to ride my bike to work.

...I digress...

I am driving past him and I glance over. I get a glimpse of his face. He has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, puffing away as his legs are pedaling as fast as possible in order to keep up with the flow of traffic.

A cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Getting a mental image? Is it just me, or is that ironic on a level that goes WAY beyond funny into something very....odd in an omninous way..?

Anyway, I filed it under the 'strange things I've seen'. Just in case anyone asks...which they probably won't - but just in case.

Been trying out recipes that I have found trolling low carb sites. Here are a few of the good ones:

Ice Cream that is like...A Frosty! LOVED IT!

Pound cake. A little crunchy because I ground up my own almonds for the flour - but still..LOVED IT! Tried to be creative and make one that used a little coconut flour. Blech. I don't think I like coconut flour. It tasted like..It tasted like...Well - I don't know what it tasted like, but it was gross.

Brownies. Yes. That is what I said - brownies. Rich tasting, dark chocolate. I am beginning to drool just thinking of them, sitting in my kitchen - calling me.

I have been eating little mini quiches for breakfast every day this week - about three of them. I made them with egg, canadian bacon, swiss cheese, chives and some dehydrated onion. But I got the idea from here. I know, so simple I should have thought of it, but I've already said I am cooking challenged - so simple things like that may come naturally to some people - but not me.

In addition to the quiches for breakfast, I've been packing two hard boiled eggs to snack on and plain old celery. Lunch consists of a small salad (romaine lettuce) with a scoop of tuna salad and cesar dressing. If I am still hungry - I snack on some macademias.

Dinner tonight will be sausage and cauliflower fried up like potatoes.

Okay - have to go and try to cook without setting off the fire alarm.

Wish me luck!